
November 16, 2016

Christmas Joy

We are in the thick of the holiday season.  This is usually where people start asking "are you going crazy yet...are you buried in Christmas...can we just get a few more weeks to prepare"?

I've always loved Christmas.  But the past few years I've really had to fight for the joy that comes with the celebration.
Because I'm learning some things about myself.
I can take on too much.
I feel guilty about enjoying it "too much" because there's so many who don't (just being honest about that one- it could be it's own blog post).
I've put a lot of pressure on myself to make it "magical" for my kids.
And the list goes on.

BUT after learning those things about myself, I've become  a bit more proactive in being joyful and enjoying this season personally.
I've dropped the unattainable expectations on myself.
I've become more realistic about how much time I actually have (without losing tons of sleep).
I help with families and organizations that I feel lead to.  And I try to do it ahead of the season.
I get our kids involved in helping others at Christmas.
I let our house get messy.  Really mess.  And i let it go.

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