
April 5, 2016

Loving the life we live...

and ...  Living the life we love.

With that, I've been having to get really intentional about both that mindset and the use of my time (as I sit outside Kayli's orthodontist appointment posting with my bloggers APP) so...blurry cell pics but all the same love to follow, ha!

Nearly 6 years ago to this month, John and I went shopping to purchase a boat. We said for years of raising kids that when our last baby turned one year old, we'd invest into a boat for our family.  A few weeks before Brayden turned one, we headed out to the local marina store. 

I don't remember a lot of that experience, except Brayden toddling around and glancing over to see Kyler hanging off the side of one of the showroom models. Those were some foggy days.  John and I shopped and discussed for quite awhile- then eventually decided we were "too busy" to make an investment into a boat. Too busy and too broke, actually. Anything "extra" was being socked into mattress equipment and a savings for a home we dreamed about.  Too busy because we were SURE that things would slow down once John wasn't working 80 hours a week building the business and I wasn't chasing four children under the age of 9. 
Fast forward to 2016. 
 I laugh now at how "busy" we felt.  And that time we thought life would slow down.  Sometimes I catch myself yearning for those simpler days.  Truthfully though, we're in a good place in our family but we're certainly in a controlled state of chaos with schedules.  Color coding names on a dry erase board seems to be the only way we can keep straight our six days/week of lessons, practices and games.  I take it day by day or anxiety can creep in, big time.

In March, we escaped the busy-ness for a family trip to Sundance.  That skiing trip for us over spring break was an eye opening time for John and I.  We spent days on a mountain, freezing cold, skiing, snowboarding, falling, laughing, whining, but we did it together.  And we did it without phones, ipads or the chatter of the world.  And at the end of the week, every child agreed that it was indeed the very best trip we'd ever had as a family.  And John and I agreed.

So once we dealt with the fact that our life with 4 active, involved kids wouldn't (anytime soon) get less "busy," we did some talking and reevaluating.  And we decided to take a second look at the option of buying a boat - kind of an escape plan from the real world.  The kids begged and pleaded for us to consider it, after we'd gone back and forth.

In the end, John surprised everyone by pulling up to the house with our "action plan" of stealing our kids from the rest of the world. We couldn't get it on the water fast enough. 

 It came just in time for us to enjoy it with our awesome friends, the B family, who are annual Easter visitors for us.

We tubed, they fished, we laughed, soaked up the sun, and basically tuned in to the great outdoors together with a few less distractions.

Last weekend, with my eyes glazing over at the calendar, we made a last minute decision.  As posted on instagram, I admitted that we indeed skipped part of Sat plans, a baseball practice and

set our intentions on a new adventure.  

A few phone calls -20 minutes later- we had filled a bag with sunscreen, snacks, extra kids and hit the road to a local lake we'd heard was amazing.

We saw herds of wild goats, swam in the gorgeous blue water, tubed, go-pro'd some fun, but mostly made amazing memories that the girls were still laughing about at last night's softball game.

No days are not slowing down.  
Kids are getting older.  
Issues are getting tougher.
But one thing is the same and that is us making those memories we want our family to have.  
A foundation of good values, love for Christ, hard work --but guess what else? 
That they remember that their parents loved them more than anything and wanted to make the most of the time we have together.

I'm determined to enjoy all that we can -in the time that we have- and find antidotes to the stress and chaos.

And this.

Whether it's playing in the yard, 
or gathered on a tattered old quilt, 
on land, in the air, or floating the water...

 (Void of the endless distractions)
there is something extra important to celebrate, enjoy.
And have immense gratitude for. 
family | friends 


  1. Maybe my fave post you've ever written, friend! Love your heart!

  2. This just ALL made me smile REALLY big! Thank you for sharing your life with us and thank you for just flat out being YOU. Kristin I can say now more than ever how I laugh at myself saying "how busy we are" realizing now how simple my life truly is. I'm soaking every bit of it up as I know things will change. Cough, I'm watching from upclose and afar from YOU my friend. Your words and wisdom is one I glean from. Thank you again. I love your blogs and love you.
