
February 3, 2016

Full Hearts

The phone rang tonight, after everyone was in bed.
I was tired, the call was from "unknown"
so I didn't answer. 
15 min go by, the same number calls again. 
This time I answer to the quiet voice on the other end, telling me she is Kyler's new scout leader.  

She introduced herself and said
 "we've never met. But some things happened tonight at scouts that I felt- if it were my son- I would want to know"
I held my breath for a second, waiting for her to proceed. 
Her voice slightly shook, and she said quietly "Kyler told the boys in circle time about the death today of the father to their fellow scout. His friend and classmate's young dad had passed away. They all talked a bit about how sick he'd been, how sad everyone was for all of their family but also some ideas to lift their spirits.  
It was time to start the meeting with our regular prayer, and Kyler shot his arm up to lead all of the boys in this time. Kyler boldly lead a prayer, asking for peace to fill that family's hearts. That joy would return to them again.  It was so heartfelt and tender. He closed, asking it all in Jesus name. It was quite something to witness, with him so young and so humbly praying with his peers. 
Anyway, if it were my son, I would really have wanted to know all of that ..and just what a very special boy I have" she finished softly. 

At this point, I had soaked the collar of my pj's with tears. 
Tears for this brave young family dealing with loss. 
And grateful tears that maybe- just maybe- I'm raising children who will be a light and lift others from their sorrow. 
That they can keep their eyes fixed on what really matters- loving others- despite the evermad rush of the world. 
It's been a tough week with some unexpected news and loss in several areas. 
But I love that my kids still choose to love. 
Because it isn't just a feeling.
 It's a choice some days. 
And it's a hard choice some days. 
I'm still learning it myself. 
Looking beyond ourselves can be difficult and necessary. 

That phone call was probably such a "little thing" to that leader who called. But filled my heart to the brim with encouragement, that what I'm fighting for, it matters. 

Some (most) days, I am peeling these boys off of each other's rough-housing chaos, repeating "kindness and love" for the 100th time :), reffing arguments in the backseat.  
So yeah, I'm just being honest when I admit that getting confirmations, it encourages me to keep pressing forward with determination. 

May we all make that phone call, write a note, or find different ways to encourage. It's easy & wonderful to love when it's a feeling. 
But it can be even more powerful to love as a choice and a habit. 

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